구글 검색 사이트 등록 Site Naver Blog Google Search Registration

There are times when I need to explain to my acquaintances card, travel, and shopping-related contents via KakaoTalk or wire. We received the opinion that it is easy to understand anytime and anywhere, so we only disclosed it to people close to us. My blog is based on my experience, and I don’t get any sponsorship because it’s the reviews I bought with my own money. 구글 검색 사이트 등록

By the way, here’s an amazing fact! I went to the blog statistics and looked at the inflow analysis. I thought only acquaintances would come, but most of them were coming in through natural search through Daum. And when I searched Naver, my blog was not found at all. I’m not running Tistory!

구글 검색 사이트 등록
So, when I searched again for blog search inflow, the integrated search of Naver blog was ‘really bad luck’. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Naver Customer Center 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
Check out the customer center help needed to use Naver services. Search and smartbots make it easier and faster to answer your questions.

I have no desire to become an Insa, a power blogger. But if it’s normal, it’s a Naver blog, but I wondered whether the last tip or tail should be searched. The conclusion is ‘next’ to praise.

If you search for the following 100% related keywords, you will find all of them, and only a few popular blogs were searched because Google brought the following search results.

So, I don’t know the principle of Naver search, and it may be possible, but I tried to convert my blog to ‘html’ (because Naver blog is not html I created myself) so that it can be searched so that it can be searched as much as Google, which has the second largest search share. We share that review.

When I entered the internet trend site, Naver ranked first and Google ranked second.

Log analysis, web log analysis, web log analysis, web log analysis, web log analysis, VRM, access statistics analysis, visitor analysis

First of all, we will introduce you to search engines that can be registered by simply entering information. All three methods are the same. Just enter your blog address, title, and a few keywords or hashtags and you’re done. It’s so easy~

1) Next

Daum – Search Registration
Daum Search Registration This is a service that allows you to register search sites for free. Information can be supplemented and modified at any time, and after registration, it is exposed to Daum search results and many netizens visit it. New Registration Search Search Registration Change Delete Search Site Search Local Information Blog Registration URL Check 0 /200 byte Search Registration New? You can see the information and procedures for the registration application in detail. Read more Search Registration Guide Make sure to check the criteria required for search exposure.

Nate and Zoom are registered in the same way, so I will not explain them separately.

2) Nate

Issue UP content registration guide
3) Zoom

ZUM – Site Search Registration
How to use Information We will guide you through the site registration/modification/deletion application process in detail. Registration Guide We will guide you through site search registration criteria, information on documents to be submitted, and guide for filling out. Frequently Asked Questions We provide detailed answers to frequently asked questions when registering for a site search.
And MS Bing seems to have been there before, but now there is no place to register, so I did not proceed.

Now, let me introduce you how to register with Google. You have to go back and forth a bit to register.

Let’s do it by registering for a Google search through a place called KidZard. I really want to meet this developer. It was very well made. Registration is easy if you follow the order in which I worked. If you change the order, an error window or missing page is displayed.

Kidzard – Naver Blog Google Search Registration
A service that registers Naver blogs in Google search. It optimizes SEO by placing Google search exposure and backlinks.
Let’s start by registering as a Kizard member. There is no menu called “Membership” right away, so I clicked log in to find the link to sign up for membership.

Signing up for a membership is simple and easy.

After signing up, return to My Page and ‘Link Naver ID’.

Go to the Google Search Console.
Sign up easily with your Google ID.
Enter/register the blog URL and you are done.
Google Search Console
Sign in Go to Google Search Console Forgot your email or phone email? Isn’t it my computer? Log in using the incognito browsing window. Learn More Next Account Creation Help Privacy Policy Terms

Copy the meta tag of the HTML tag and go back to the KidZard.

The path to register Google Search Console in KidZard is as follows. Click KidZard Pro in the menu,

If you go to ‘Settings’, you will see the Google Console URL window with the copied Metacad address. Enter it and press ‘Save’. If you look at the bottom, you can see that HTML has been created even for RSS and sitemaps.

Go back to the Google Search Console and click the ‘OK’ button.

I wanted to support the developer who developed Kizard. It’s not a paid site, and you register 50 per day, so you can even earn points when you log in. The revenue model is clear. Looking at the notice on the site, there is a way to donate, and there is even a function to register ads and blog posts like YouTube Premium. I bought 10,000 cash from my own money and supported it. As it is an advertisement, I will not post the details of the sponsorship method separately.

KidZard Sponsorship Benefits
Thank you for supporting KidZard. The following benefits are provided to KidZard sponsors. KidZard Sponsorship Benefits – KidZard Point Payment- …

How to Sponsor a KidZard
KidZard is being sponsored through Two Nation. KidZard sponsorship can be done through here. …

When I sponsored the full-scale cash, 1 point was accumulated immediately after 10 minutes, and after registering as a member and registering with the Google search console, 550 points were accumulated, so I tried to register the entire blog.

202 blogs have been registered.

In the hope that my blog will be useful to many people, I tried to broaden the search scope a bit. I will study little by little in line with the fast technology trend.