쿠팡 앱 알림 끄기 Turn Off Coupang App Ad Notifications

Here’s how to turn off push notifications in the Coupang app. Like all apps, Coupang can receive marketing advertisement notifications if you agree to push notifications, but unlike other apps, the way to turn it off is a little hidden. If you have not found a way to block Coupang push notifications, please read and follow the step-by-step instructions with pictures for easy understanding.



How to block Coupang advertising push notifications 쿠팡 앱 알림 끄기

In fact, the settings are hidden in Coupang. Most apps display settings on My Page or My Profile, but Coupang hides it a step further, so notification settings can also be found elsewhere than in regular apps.

쿠팡 앱 알림 끄기

▼Run the Coupang app and click the 4th [My Profile or My Page icon] from the bottom menu bar. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기

Coupang-My Page-Icon-Shape
Coupang My Page icon

▼Click “My Name” in the upper left corner to enter Settings in [My Page]. This part is clickable but not clearly marked and might be overlooked by first-timers.

Coupang-My Page-Click My-Name
Click on my name in Coupang

▼Click [Push Settings] at the bottom of My Page.

Coupang Push Settings
▼ Among the push settings, disable “receive shopping benefits (advertising) pushes” at the bottom. If there are any other push settings you want to block, disable them as well.