쿠팡 와우카드 후기 Actual review of Coupang Wow Card

Coupang Wow Card review: Comprehensive summary of pros and cons, including actual user reviews!
Coupang Wow Card is a credit card launched through cooperation between Kookmin Card and Coupang. It can be issued to any Coupang Wow membership member, and provides various benefits when using Coupang. In this article, we comprehensively look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Coupang Wow Card, as well as actual user reviews, and provide helpful information for issuance and use. 쿠팡 와우카드 후기

1. Advantages of Coupang Wow Card

High Coupang Cash accumulation rate: When paying at Coupang, you can earn up to 4% Coupang Cash at the basic 2% + promotional accumulation rate. It is more efficient when used with Rocket Delivery and Wow Membership discount benefits.
Various partnership benefits: Additional discounts are provided when using Coupang services such as Coupang Eats, Coupang Play, and Wow Membership.
Annual fee of 20,000 won: The annual fee is lower than other credit cards, so you can use it without burden.
Family card can be issued: You can also provide Wow Card benefits to family members. 픽잇스마트

Easy payment: It is convenient because you can easily pay within the Coupang app.
2. Disadvantages of Coupang Wow Card

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Previous month’s performance terms: Some benefits may depend on previous month’s payment amount.
Overseas payment accrual rate: The accrual rate is low when making overseas payments.
Lack of benefits compared to other cards: Benefits in other areas such as travel and shopping are relatively lacking.
Get a new card: Getting a new card can hurt your credit score.
3. Actual reviews of Coupang Wow Card

Advantages: Coupang Cash accumulation rate is high due to frequent use of Coupang, and it is more economical when used with Wow membership benefits.
Disadvantage: The savings rate for overseas payments is low, making it inconvenient to use when traveling abroad.
Overall Review: It is a useful card for users who use Coupang a lot, but it may not be suitable for users who want to make overseas payments or receive various benefits.
4. Issuance and use of Coupang Wow Card

Issuance conditions: Coupang Wow membership member
Issuance method: Apply through Coupang app or Kookmin Card app
How to use: Available at Coupang and Kookmin Card stores
5. Coupang Wow Card, is it the right card for me?

The Coupang Wow Card is a useful card for users who frequently use Coupang. The Coupang Cash accumulation rate is high, and it is more economical when used with Wow membership benefits. However, the accumulation rate when making overseas payments is low and may not be suitable for users who want various benefits.

Before issuing a Coupang Wow Card, it is recommended that you make a careful decision by considering your spending patterns and purpose of using the card.

I hope this article helped improve your understanding of the Coupang Wow Card.

## Additional information

## caution

Coupang Wow Card benefits may change. Please check the Coupang Wow Card official website for the latest information.
Use of credit cards should be done carefully. Before issuing a card, consider your spending patterns and purpose of using the card.